Friday 14 October 2011

To Sleep Perchance to Dream

I have always loved my bed,perhaps a bit too much. And i've always loved a lie-in.
Since having children i've learnt that the lie-in is long gone,i've had perhaps 3 in 3 years and im ok with that,really,i am,really.
But I do really miss being able to look forward to my evening,as a chance to relax,unwind and a restful nights sleep. Kitty,quite simply is a horrendous sleeper. Last night (due to a combination of a snotty nose and too much sugar before bed ) had me up every hour most of the night. I an exhausted and quite frankly hateful today !

Sometimes she sleeps great, and im such an optimist that I presume this means that she WILL get it one day and will be a brilliant sleeper. I do kinda still believe this in my heart of hearts,i think I may have to cast a spell actually.

Until that day,i'll remain knackered and lurching from mild tiredness one day to suicide watch the next.
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Tuesday 11 October 2011

Mind the Gap!

Wow! That has been quite some gap in my blog!

Ive just been pondering why,and think partlybecause  i've been quite low,and partly i've been doing other things like getting better at knitting and doing my workout dvd in an attempt at creating some endorphins and cheering myself up!

I think the longer I left it the harder it became to pick the blog back up. Just reading back through it is such a great record of life,i must carry on -even without any followers !

Well,Kitty is walking now, she has been for about a week and she is really confident with it now.  It is so so lovely seeing her walking round the house, I absolutely love it!
We went for a trip to the shoe shop and £47 pounds later she has some shiny red boots for walking outside,  so the first place we took her, the dirty muddy woods!
Well - it is a family tradition! We got the first photos of Gabe walking up Bagnall Road woods and we wanted the same photos of Kitty.  We had a really lovely time.
Here is a favourite photo! :-

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