Wednesday 15 June 2011


I have been reading an interview in the Sunday Times 'Style' magazine today. It's entitled 'How I Make it Work' and is with some super powerful City Career woman.

As well as listing her must have essentials ( 8 hour cream, smartphone, Louis Vuitton scarf natch) the interviewer asks how she balances family life. She states she works from 5am til late, travels the world extensively (7 countries in a busy week) and has a nanny.

But, apparently when she is with her 2 children she 'always gives 110 %'. Hmmmmn, I have been pondering this all day and I don't think I even understand what this means. How does a mother even give their child 110% and what does it entail?

As I was cooking the tea today and watching the kids play together with Lego on the dining room floor ( Gabe builds something, Kitty pulls it to pieces) I thought well, I'm not giving 100% here!

As I read to Gabe while watching my mom knitting as she attempted to teach me to increase and decrease stitches, not really 100%

Kitty is being breastfed now before bed and is fast asleep on the boob, i'm typing this on my phone - should I be being mindful and savouring the moment?

I am with my kids 24/7, well apart from I finally got my roots done today and Gabe goes to pre-school, and they get my split, multi-tasking attention. I think this has got to be better than 110% of my attention for a few hours a week. They get nurtured, not smothered. They know I am always here for them, but they do get 'i'm busy' sometimes too.

Do my kids really feel deprived because I don't always give them my full attention as I have to cook, clean, chauffer, chat, laugh, dance, plant the flowers, look after the hubby, look after the cats, pay bills, NO, this is real life.

Our society is so programmed now to believe that kids are happier with both parents working so they have more money to spend on 'quality' time off with them, personally, I think every moment of watching my kids grow up is precious.

I can't vouch for Kitty yet, but so far all of Gabriel's favourite activities (farm, park, seeing friends, riding his bike) can be done everyday and for free.

I don't think my kids or me could be happier, even with all the money in the world ( although I would love a pad in Ibiza!)
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